
Download the latest versions of our software, utilize our example code to assist with real-time streaming applications, learn the proper setup and operation of the hardware and software through the video tutorials and user manuals, and update the latest drivers for wireless and wired data transmission

To download DSI-Streamer, QStates, API, TCP/IP Example Code, and the User Manuals, please fill in the password below

Driver for SENA 100 Dongle – (120MB, released 03/27/2020)

Driver for SENA 1000 Dongle – (13MB, released 03/27/2020)

Driver for USB Wired Mode – (4MB, released 03/27/2020)

Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) Integration(released 09/16/2020)
Plugin enabling direct connection of DSI systems to LSL

EEGLAB Wearable Sensing Extension v.1.14 (11 kb, released 12/18/2023)
EEGLAB extension to import .CSV data acquired with DSI-Streamer 
*Only compatible with data recorded from DSI-Streamer 1.08.90 or above*

EEGLAB Wearable Sensing Extension v.1.13 (15 kb, released 3/12/2022)
EEGLAB extension to import .CSV data acquired with DSI-Streamer 
*Only compatible with data recorded from DSI-Streamer 1.08.89 or below*

DSI-2000 v.1.1.0 – (36.9MB, released 07/20/2015)
Demonstration release is intended as an introduction to the BCI2000 interface module also contributed here to the BCI2000 community by Dr. Jeremy Hill

DSI-24 Donning Procedure
Donning tutorial of the DSI-24

DSI Cleaning & Maintenance Overview
Overview on cleaning, how to replace electrodes, and how to properly pack and store DSI systems

DSI VR Adaptor Kit Set Up
Demo setup of VR with DSI systems; tutorial on HTC Vive Pro setup with DSI-24

DSI-24 + Quest 2/3 Set Up
Demo setup of DSI-24 with Meta Quest 2/3

MMBT-S Trigger Box Setup with E-Prime
Overview of how to setup DSI systems with the MMBT-S Parallel to USB trigger box converter, and sending triggers through E-Prime

Tobii Pro + DSI-24 Setup
Demonstration on how to use MMBT-S to seamlessly synchronize Eyetracking and EEG

DSI Connection Guide
Overview on how to set up wireless and wired connections of DSI systems to the computer

DSI Signal Quality
Detailed breakdown of the DSI signal quality test, as well as what kind of artifacts can occur and how to address them

DSI-Streamer Overview
Detailed breakdown of how to use DSI Streamer, which includes how to record, how to create custom montages, and more

DSI-Streamer ERP Tab Overview
Breakdown of how to use the ERP tab within DSI Streamer, which includes a demonstration of setting up an auditory ERP and analyzing the results

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